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Contacts presse

Melanie Schnitzler

Melanie Schnitzler

Contact presse Head of Corporate Communications +49 (0) 151 23 54 75 55
Anabell Westrich

Anabell Westrich

Contact presse PR Manager Corporate Communications +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 38
Sabine Adam

Sabine Adam

Contact presse Corporate Communications +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 96
Silke Ornau

Silke Ornau

Contact presse Corporate Communications +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 93
Lioba Wagner

Lioba Wagner

Contact presse PR Manager B2C +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 30
Simon Lauer

Simon Lauer

Contact presse PR Manager Bathroom & Wellness +49 (0) 6864 / 81 27 22
Simone Struve

Simone Struve

Contact presse PR Manager Kitchen & Living +49 (0) 6864 / 81 12 49
Corinne Weyrauch

Corinne Weyrauch

Contact presse PR Manager Dining & Lifestyle +49 ( 0 ) 6864 / 81 27 71
Carolin Meyer

Carolin Meyer

Contact presse Product PR +49 (0) 6864 / 81 27 71
Anna Strand

Anna Strand

Contact presse RP Scandinavie
Write Away Communication

Write Away Communication

Contact presse RP Australie Clara Hickey (Dining & Lifestyle) 02 9978 1400
Klartext PR

Klartext PR

Contact presse RP Autriche Gerhild Hofer, MBA +43 (0) 650 / 81 88 938
Talk About PR & Communicatie

Talk About PR & Communicatie

Contact presse RP Belgique Natasja Gregorowitsch +31 (0) 76 581 / 54 66
Hill & Knowlton

Hill & Knowlton

Contact presse RP France Marine Torresse +33 (0) 6 4665 7771
Wild Card PR

Wild Card PR

Contact presse RP Grande Bretagne +44 (0) 207 / 25 76 470
DAG Communication

DAG Communication

Contact presse RP Italie Elena Guzzella +39 (0) 2 89054160
Talk About PR & Communicatie

Talk About PR & Communicatie

Contact presse RP Pays-Bas Natasja Gregorowitsch & Karen Baelde +31 (0) 76581 / 54 66
Interdependence PR

Interdependence PR

Contact presse RP USA Geetha Kerlin (Dining & Lifestyle) +001 (0) 917 596 0004

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