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Villeroy & Boch: Advance payment on the distributable profit

Communiqué de presse -

Villeroy & Boch: Advance payment on the distributable profit

On the basis of a common exchange of opinions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Villeroy & Boch AG it is sufficiently likely that the corporate bodies will resolve to pay an advance payment on the distributable profit of the financial year 2019 (advance dividend) in the amount of EUR 0.15 per ordinary share and EUR 0.20 per preference share. The formal resolutions of both corporate bodies are planned to be passed on 08 July 2020, which would then be the cut-off date for the entitlement to the advance dividend. The payment is expected to be made on 13 July 2020.

Due to legal restrictions and to the persisting uncertainty about the economic development on several markets, only a fraction of the dividend amount contained in the original dividend proposal to the Annual General Meeting will be distributed in advance.

The Annual General Meeting will resolve on the amount of the total dividend for the financial year 2019. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will assess their dividend proposal in light of the then foreseeable business development and liquidity situation and the effects of the measures that Villeroy & Boch is undertaking to counter the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in autumn 2020 as a virtual Annual General Meeting without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxies. The exact date will be announced in due time.


Villeroy & Boch est une des principales marques de prestige au monde pour les produits en céramique. Depuis sa fondation en 1748, l’entreprise familiale, dont le siège se trouve à Mettlach en Allemagne, est symbole d’innovation, de tradition et de style. La marque célèbre est présente dans 125 pays avec des produits issus des domaines de la salle de bain et du bien-être et des arts de la table.

Contacts presse

Melanie Schnitzler

Melanie Schnitzler

Contact presse Head of Corporate Communications +49 (0) 151 23 54 75 55
Anabell Westrich

Anabell Westrich

Contact presse PR Manager Corporate Communications +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 38
Sabine Adam

Sabine Adam

Contact presse Corporate Communications +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 96
Silke Ornau

Silke Ornau

Contact presse Corporate Communications +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 93
Lioba Wagner

Lioba Wagner

Contact presse PR Manager B2C +49 (0) 6864 / 81 13 30
Simon Lauer

Simon Lauer

Contact presse PR Manager Bathroom & Wellness +49 (0) 6864 / 81 27 22
Simone Struve

Simone Struve

Contact presse PR Manager Kitchen & Living +49 (0) 6864 / 81 12 49
Corinne Weyrauch

Corinne Weyrauch

Contact presse PR Manager Dining & Lifestyle +49 ( 0 ) 6864 / 81 27 71
Carolin Meyer

Carolin Meyer

Contact presse Product PR +49 (0) 6864 / 81 27 71
Anna Strand

Anna Strand

Contact presse RP Scandinavie
Write Away Communication

Write Away Communication

Contact presse RP Australie Clara Hickey (Dining & Lifestyle) 02 9978 1400
Klartext PR

Klartext PR

Contact presse RP Autriche Gerhild Hofer, MBA +43 (0) 650 / 81 88 938
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Talk About PR & Communicatie

Contact presse RP Belgique Natasja Gregorowitsch +31 (0) 76 581 / 54 66
Hill & Knowlton

Hill & Knowlton

Contact presse RP France Marine Torresse +33 (0) 6 4665 7771
Wild Card PR

Wild Card PR

Contact presse RP Grande Bretagne +44 (0) 207 / 25 76 470
DAG Communication

DAG Communication

Contact presse RP Italie Elena Guzzella +39 (0) 2 89054160
Talk About PR & Communicatie

Talk About PR & Communicatie

Contact presse RP Pays-Bas Natasja Gregorowitsch & Karen Baelde +31 (0) 76581 / 54 66
Interdependence PR

Interdependence PR

Contact presse RP USA Geetha Kerlin (Dining & Lifestyle) +001 (0) 917 596 0004